ItalianInfo-day for “3DPRISM – 3D Printing skills for manufacturing”
13-09-2017 14:29The first national information day for the dissemination and transfer of the 3DPRISM project results was held in Italy, on 11th of September 2017. It was organised by Associazione Cimea, Italian partner organisation of the 3DPRISM Consortium, and hosted in the headquarters of AITA - Associazione italiana tecnologie additive.
During the infoday the staff of CIMEA presented the 3DPRISM project results and the methodology adopted in the framework of the project to identify the skills required for 3D print technicians. After that, representatives of the different sectors involved presented their experiences in order to show the state of play in the Additive Manufacture field and the expected next developments. Furthermore, some experiences in training activities in Additive Manufacture were illustrated.
Nearly 50 highly selected representatives of the stakeholders (industry, professional associations, Higher education and VET representatives, media) actively participated in the animated debate stimulated during the event.
Promising follow-up activities were discussed and a lively interest was expressed in the 3DPRISM MOOC, the on-line tool for training activities.
For further information and download the presentations:

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