Euro PM2017 Congress & Exhibition: Call for Papers
09-12-2016 11:45Euro PM2017 invites you to submit a paper, or papers, to the programme.
Abstracts Submission Deadline: Wednesday 18 January 2017
The Euro PM2017 Congress and Exhibition will take place in Milan, Italy 1 - 4 October 2017 and is an all topic event, providing sessions on:
Additive Manufacturing
Core PM
Hard Materials and Diamond Tools
Hot Isostatic Pressing
New Materials and Applications
Powder Injection Moulding
PM Structural Parts
This will provide an ideal opportunity for you to present your work, exchange ideas on recent developments and technologies, and to meet and network with colleagues and fellow researchers from throughout the PM world.
Abstracts can be submitted online between now and Wednesday 18 January 2017 only.
Full information including a more detailed topic breakdown can be found on our website - www.europm2017.com with more details being released in due course.

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